Archive for the ‘Technology’ Category


woensdag, november 24th, 2010

When Facebook becomes a book from Siavosh Zabeti on Vimeo.

Cool! Get your car wrapped at Vermeulen Reclame

maandag, november 8th, 2010
Car Wrapping Vermeulen Reclame

Car Wrapping Vermeulen Reclame

Webdesign by us 🙂
Cool movie, shows you how BMW gets wrapped in a new colour.

TEDx Amsterdam

maandag, september 20th, 2010

TEDxAmsterdam 2010 trailer from TEDxAmsterdam on Vimeo.

Working for Essent

donderdag, juli 15th, 2010

One of the main reasons I got so busy is that got a new project at Essent, an energy company in the Netherlands. My join up with Frontend heroes paid out there, THNX Guys.

It’s a nice work environment where I met lots of nice people and new colleges and, off course, new twitter friends!!
I’m working on an intern project in which I do designing and frontend work and discovering Movable Type. Also a nice blogging tool. To show you some designs, these are a few widgets I’ve been working on for a dashboard:


Content management gets a lot easier with CSS3

maandag, juli 12th, 2010

Afbeelding 1

A client asked for a nice ‘Polaroid foto effect’, but I didn’t want to get stuck in Photoshopping every photo. So here’s the result.
It won’t show everything in every browser, but it will in most any and all newer browsers.

The effect works as follows:
The border is simply a border, with the bottom border a bit longer.
Constrain your image to a certain measure.
(Now comes the css3 part)
Rotate the image by some percent.
Give it a shadow as final touch

And here you are. It will fit every foto in the same way.
Nice isn’t it?

View the page on:

Philip Zimbardo on “The Secret Powers of Time”

maandag, juni 14th, 2010

Another great animation from RSA.

Our solar sytem build entirely into CSS3

woensdag, mei 19th, 2010

Slarsytem build in css3

Very nicely made. Our solar system build in CSS3 using border-radius, transform and animations. currently only working in Safari and Chrome as they support these properties.

Thnx WNAS!

Super! Rebuild your TV with Wii remote to 3D TV

dinsdag, mei 18th, 2010

This is really awesome. 3D TV, Augmented reality we’re really on the verge of a break through in 3D virtual reality.

Thnx MM!

LEGO augmented reality, cool!

zondag, mei 16th, 2010

Wow! Augmented reality is finding it’s way into our ordinairy live. Watch how this guy can see what’s in the box.

Thnx MvD!

Great presentation on what drives people to do better things

vrijdag, mei 14th, 2010

Open standards and freetime autonomy projects work!
Wow this really hooks on to my previous post. Spending freetime on Fontstruct types is motivating, gives me satisfaction and leads to better results. And offcourse I give it away for free.